Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ok time for stuff other then baby..

Ok so lets see what else there is to update yall on. I have changed my email address to a hotmail acct. You can get the info from my blog on my myspace. Also I am again gainfully employeed again with DirecTv sigh.. I know I know I vowed i would never do call center work again but I really needed a job and no one was hiring me other then call centers so figured i would go back to some where I knew. Oh well life will go on.
So i start back there on the 20th of nov the week of thanksgiving and from the looks of it I may be working thanksgiving. yay. as long as i get paid holliday pay while in training woot woot. lol.
Wow how sad is it when I try to think of something else to write that doesn't have the baby involved. LOL. Wow I spend way to much time with the baby lol. Thank god I have a job hahahah. WOOT WOOT! That does make me chipper.

Ok that's it for now. Laters yo!

Some stuff about Mr. Alex

See figured i would through everyone off guard and post something on here.. woot woot. So how yall doin? Miss me? Good.. hehehe. Been super busy with the baby and what not and usually don't have much time to post anything on here or on myspace. So here are some cool updates..
Baby Alex is now four months old and he is huge! Last Dr's appointment we had was back in september and he was 13lbs 10oz and 25 1/2 inches long. I think he has exceeded both of those numbers because he is now wearing 6-9mo onsies and such and his size 2 shoes are to small and he has like size 4-51/2 socks it's crazy crazy shit. He's just gigantic! We took him over to ada county for halloween and stood him up next to another kid whom he was taller then and found out the other kid was 11mo's how crazy is that shit? WOW ! So speaking of which here is a pic from halloween. Oh and we have made him into a BSU fan and a Cleveland Browns fan so we finally got two sleepers from Scotts aunt and uncle from ohio and they are super cute. So the next picture is of him in a bsu outfit and the other on is of him in his cleveland browns sleeper. :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Well Mr. Alex came into the world July 6th at 2:19pm weighing in at 8lbs 11oz's, 22inches long. I was rather shocked how long labor was. thought it would be less. I started the petosin <> at 6:30am and he popped out at 2:19pm. He's a cutie i think we'll keep him. :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Possibly less then a week

Well we had our dr's appt today for baby. And it's a possibility that they will induce me on tuesday. We will see, it's depending on if baby has dropped yet or not, right now he still hasn't come down enough sigh. But i tell ya, i'm in some frickin pain. I can't hardly sleep and just feel frickin miserable. sigh. But I will post monday after our apt and let everyone know if we are a go or not for tuesday. Because if he hasn't dropped yet i'm not going to bother, because the petosin may start some contractions but if he hasn't dropped yet then it won't help. So we will see.. So just a heads up.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Today we say fairwell

Today we say fairwell to our loving family pet hamster Maria. She died sometime during the night in her sleep. She was a great hamster, she had fun running around in her ball and escaping from her old cage. She was about 2 1/2 years old and her time had come. We will miss you dearly. May you rest in peace.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Music For Baby

Well this morning my husband hands me the big ass head phones to strap on my stomach so the baby can listen to music. I've heard somethings about doing that, but i can't remember the reasoning behind it. So figured I would give it a shot. Once i put them on this morning and started playin music he started kicking, so i guess he enjoys it. :) It's kinda funky. And I look kinda funky. lol At least i have a hoodie on so i don't have to hold on to the headphones. hehe. One ear piece in one pocket and the one in the other lol.

We are less then 30 days away from my due date now. Lets see when i end up goin. Any guesses? lol

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Let the countdown begin!

Well the due date is getting closer for havin this baby, I have about a month and 5 days left. I'm getting pretty excited, mainly because i want the little alien outta me. lol. But we pretty much have everything ready to go in the nursery and stuff. which is awesome. The baby shower last weekend rocked, we got a lot of cool stuff and stuff that we needed and didn't realize it. We got a high chair and a baby monitor. Not sure if we will need the baby monitor or not but ya never know I guess. I also got my Jeep snuggly that I really wanted from my best friend Maressa. She's soooo awesome. Tons of bottles and outfits and such too. YAY. Anyways I am sure we will let yall know when the baby comes and such i'm sure I will have a million pictures to upload to my picture site. So till then.. Here's hopin we go a little early. WOOT !

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Ok yall, well the reasons why i haven't been posting here very often is because i have been posting on my blog on myspace. Seems to be more people there who actually read these things . lol. So I apologize for those of you who don't have myspace. YALL NEED TO GET ON! lol More the better. Anyways, life has been pretty dull and boring lately, nothing really to do as of late. Birthday is in like 2 weeks and i have know idea what to do. We are doin dinner with the fam damly and that's about it. Whoo hoo.. I would like to do something with friends and such, but have no clue, specially since i can't very well go to the bar, and well i don't know what the weather is going to be like yet, so out door stuff doesn't sound like a good idea, specially with my luck it may rain. LOL. Ok, i think that's it.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Yes tomorrow is easter.. Meaning, candy candy candy, and other types of food in our house, seems like we are going to have more deserts then anything. lol. There go my sugar levels. lol. I made a carrot cake yesterday and banana bread, and i guess my mother in law bought stuff for strawberry shortcake, on top of having ham and potatos and such. OH THE JOY!

So from me to you.. Here is the Easter cow. MOOO!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Baby Room

Well we pretty much finished setting up the baby room yesterday, there are a few things we are still wanting to do to it but it's pretty much done. lol We hung up all of scotts browns pictures and stuff around the room and what not. So, you can go to my picture link to the right and scope out the pics.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Baby Furniture

Well I just got a call a little while ago from Babies R Us saying that our furniture is in. YAY! So looks like we will start setting up the nursery this weekend. I CAN'T WAIT! hehehe. Everything has been in bags and stuff and it would be so nice to be able to put it all away! I will take pictures as soon as we get it all done. Still need to get the crib mattress but that's not a huge deal, i'm sure scott will get that tonight when he goes to get the furniture. :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Bah.. Because someone suggested i don't have any untitled poetry, i went thru yesterday on my poetry blog and named them all.. ALL! All 29 of em. So they better be happy.
On a seperate note, I don't recall if I have posted my new due date, we are now due on the 30th of June instead of the 4th of july. YAY.

Oh, yesterday we went and god Oblivion and Ghost Recon for the xbox 360 I started playing Oblivion today, It's fricking sweet. But i am already to a point that I am having problems passing. So yay, a challenge. lol

Anyways that's about it. Nothin to interesting to tell so i will leave it at this.


Saturday, March 18, 2006

I must say, after actually subscribing on I've have been able to get a hold of people i have been trying to find for years! It's awesome! As of recently I have gotten a hold of Marressa Mcalister and Kevin Kelly, Which that makes me really happy. :) Now if some of the other people I have email from there would email me back or something I would be so happy. But at least I have made contact with a couple people which is awesome.
And to just let some people know, you can always get ahold of me on yahoo messenger.
Little_ninjette2002 I'm always on pretty much lol. Except for late at night because i'm a whimp. But I pretty much sit here all day so hey message me i'm here and bored. LOL

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Preggo Pics

I have preggo pic on my flickr site, which is linked to the side of this site, You have to excuse how crappy I look. LOL am tired and well just blah at the moment.
But here is one of those pics, it's kinda blury but well it works. :)

Friday, March 03, 2006


We have finally moved and are in the process of unpacking. Holy Fucking Boxes Batman! When we got in here, the movers had shoved mostly everything into the 1st bedroom. We finally made a path to start unpacking everything. My god it is taking forever. We finally got both desks built last night, and I got to unpack my computer this morning, and set up the internet stuff. So I am back!! But if yall could just for temporary basis keep emailing me at Yahoo for now. It's just taking a while to get everything going.

Also we have a new phone number and stuff. So if you have my old number please don't call unless needed. I still have the cell phone but we dropped our plan way down.

At some point i will get pictures up on my pictures link with stuff from the apartment and what not. :)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Tag Your It!

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Dairy Queen
2. Arby's
3. Dairy Queen <>
4. DirecTv

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The Princess Bride
2. Beaches
3. Empire Records
4. All LOTR

Four places I’ve lived:
1. Boise ID
2. Caldwell ID
3. Meridian ID
4. Boise ID

Four TV shows I love:
1. CSI - All of em
2. ER
3. Will and Grace
4. Anything on TLC and Discovery Home lol

Four highly regarded and recommended TV shows I haven’t seen:
1. Law and Order
2. Nip Tuck
3. Deadwood
4. Six Feet Under

Four places I’ve vacationed:
1. Seattle WA
2. Ohio
3. Cour dalaine.
4. That's it i'm lame. lol

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Lasagna
2. Greasy ass burgers
3. Sushi!!
4. Anything that doesn't taste gross

Four sites I visit daily:
3. Ummmm.. Not sure
4. I'm not a net slut like missy.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Hawaii
2. DisneyWorld
3. Fishing! Washington Coast.
4. Anywhere but here.

Four bloggers that I am tagging:
1. I haven't a frickin clue
2. see number 1
3. see number 2
4. see number 3

Monday, February 13, 2006

Ultrasound Day!

YAY!! well it's official yall, we are havin a boy. Now if we could only come up with a name. As of this week i am 20 weeks along, and getting big. The next visit will kinda suck because i have to do the damn glucose test and get blood drawn. WHOO HOO. Other than that, everything is going well, we are doin a sports them for the baby's room and stuff so just incase yall are wantin to buy stuff.. Anyways, not much else to write so toodles!

Monday, January 30, 2006

People suck... LOL

Ok, i'm gonna vent for a min, because it just kinda iritates me. And me being preggo and it just increases it.

Ever have that friend or friends that you were really close to and then all of a sudden something happens and yall drift apart? Well that seems to have happened to me with several people. And it really kinda pisses me off. People I have cared about for years have disapeared off of the face of the planet, either they don't call, write, text or anything or they don't respond to any of those things. That just kinda pisses me off. I can understand if they are busy. But if something important happens in their life and I am used to being the one they come to, then all of a sudden they stopped doing such things? It's just kinda wierd. It's like what did I do wrong? What did i do to piss them off? grrr. Kinda like, my Maid of honor, who used to be one of my best friends has just disapeared. I love her tons and tons. and poof gone. I get info from other people about her, but she doesn't call or anything. Last time I even talked to her was like after I quit my job and found out i was preggo back in october. And then an old friend of mine who now lives in Oklahoma comes out of the wood work once in awhile, but doesn't stick around to talk to me much. Yet another person i love tons and tons, as a good friend. It's kinda depressing. I love talking to the people I get to talk to every day and I thourghly enjoy that. Just wished I could actually have more people to hang out with. sigh. So Hopefully those two people have read this and will actually call or email or something so I know what's up. And for everyone else, Thanks for reading my bitchiness lol. I needed to vent and well this is really the only way I can vent at the moment. Ya know? after 11pm at night and home alone sucks. And mostly everyone else is in bed.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Bored again.

Another day of boredom. And I am starting to get a migrane. How exciting! Anyways, as of this week I am 17 weeks pregnant and am actually starting to show. HOW COOL right? It's cool except for the fact that i already have to start buying maternity clothes. None of my pants fit. lol.

Not really much else goin on, Scott is back on graveyards and so I spend a good majority of my day by myself it seems. He sleeps when he gets home but at least wakes up early enough to spend some time with me before he goes to work.

I have updated the poetry blog. I have started to just add all of the poetry I have. I've got about 23 pages worth transfered over so if you are interested in reading it go for it. :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A new year and no resolutions....

Yup that's right, I have decided not to make any New Years resolutions. Why you ask? Because a. I never go through with them and B. I really couldn't think of any. LOL I know lame huh..

For those who visit my blog and are old Idaho Interactive people or Idahosbest people that have not registered on DO SO! And if you aren't really into that you can come hang out with me on #idahosbest on the Zirc server on IRC. I am there most of the time when i'm paying attention. If i don't say anything that just be patient i'll be there at some point. And for others who are neither and wish to talk to me either about my blog or my poetry blog <> Message me at Little_ninjette2002 at Yahoo.

Yup I really don't have much to post. Scott has gone back to graveyards so I feel more alone than usual. i am alone during the day till like 5 and then during the night from 11pm on it kinda sucks. So maybe we should all throw a party sometime or something. lol.. j/k