Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ok time for stuff other then baby..

Ok so lets see what else there is to update yall on. I have changed my email address to a hotmail acct. You can get the info from my blog on my myspace. Also I am again gainfully employeed again with DirecTv sigh.. I know I know I vowed i would never do call center work again but I really needed a job and no one was hiring me other then call centers so figured i would go back to some where I knew. Oh well life will go on.
So i start back there on the 20th of nov the week of thanksgiving and from the looks of it I may be working thanksgiving. yay. as long as i get paid holliday pay while in training woot woot. lol.
Wow how sad is it when I try to think of something else to write that doesn't have the baby involved. LOL. Wow I spend way to much time with the baby lol. Thank god I have a job hahahah. WOOT WOOT! That does make me chipper.

Ok that's it for now. Laters yo!

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