Thursday, April 27, 2006


Ok yall, well the reasons why i haven't been posting here very often is because i have been posting on my blog on myspace. Seems to be more people there who actually read these things . lol. So I apologize for those of you who don't have myspace. YALL NEED TO GET ON! lol More the better. Anyways, life has been pretty dull and boring lately, nothing really to do as of late. Birthday is in like 2 weeks and i have know idea what to do. We are doin dinner with the fam damly and that's about it. Whoo hoo.. I would like to do something with friends and such, but have no clue, specially since i can't very well go to the bar, and well i don't know what the weather is going to be like yet, so out door stuff doesn't sound like a good idea, specially with my luck it may rain. LOL. Ok, i think that's it.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Yes tomorrow is easter.. Meaning, candy candy candy, and other types of food in our house, seems like we are going to have more deserts then anything. lol. There go my sugar levels. lol. I made a carrot cake yesterday and banana bread, and i guess my mother in law bought stuff for strawberry shortcake, on top of having ham and potatos and such. OH THE JOY!

So from me to you.. Here is the Easter cow. MOOO!!