Sunday, October 28, 2007

Update 10-28-2007

Just an update on my life...
As of August 14th 2007 I became a mother of 2. Logan Oliver Dean came into the world weighing in at 9lbs 6oz and 22 1/2inches long. Now he is 2 1/2 months old and weighs over 15lbs and is 26inches tall. He is getting huge fast. Already growin out of his three month stuff.

Other then that not to much has happened. we moved into our house in March, and haven't worked since. Been doing the stay at home mom thing, which is driving me a little bonkers. I don't feel like I get out nearly enough and well always seem to be stuck with the children. It sucks.

So If any of my old friends read this, I need just someone to talk to occasionally when i'm going out of my mind. So email me at or Because I'm always happy to hear from people I miss.