Tuesday, June 05, 2007

New Update...

Ya I know it's been like forever since i've posted anything here. But figured I would go ahead and give everyone who actually pays attention to this thing an update on life.

Baby #2 is due to come into the world August 14th. His name will be Logan Oliver Dean Fledderjohann. Not sure why both kids have to have two middle names, but scott insisted on it. lol. So we are going to probably do a baby shower and such towards the end of this month or so. We just got the rest of Logans furniture in today. So I will try to get pictures and what not posted on my myspace acct or even here. Depending what I feel like doing.

As for the rest of life, we have been very busy the last few weeks. Sister In Law got arrested for Murder 1. Which her and her little friend have confessed to doing and everything. So we have been trying to get her storage and such cleaned out and get it ready for a major yard sale. Matter o' fact the yard sale will be this weekend. So if you want directions let me know hehe.

Lets see what else. Alex is now 11mo's as of tomorrow. He is probably like 33in tall and about 25lbs. He's extremely cute and tall. He's been walking for a couple months now and is finally getting his teeth in. So for his birthday probably gonna end up having to buy him a bunch of clothes lol. He's pretty much in 18mo to 24mo stuff.. He's freakin huge. lol.

As for myself, I've been ok, just sick at the moment and tired. Tired of bein preggo. god, seems like i've been preggo for almost 2 years straight. it sucks!! LOL..

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