Sunday, January 13, 2008

Yay for life.. ugh

So for the past few months I have been very very busy. I started working for Pauls Market a couple months ago in the bakery.. It's an awesome job, doesn't pay much but it's fun, and I love it! We have had my best friend maressa and her husband tony move in with us shortly before christmas. So we definately have a full house. But it is awesome to have the extra help.

I have been rather unhappy as of lately. Not sure why. I love it when I go to work. I'm always happy there, i laugh and joke and kid with people and the people i work with, come home and i turn into a raving bitch. Not sure why. Probably because when i come home I expect to have certain things done before I get home, but it doesn't happen and I end up having to do it after being on my feet all day. And on top of that, I haven't had sex in almost two months and I'm goin a little nuts! I don't seem to be getting enough affection and such to my needs. Its depressing. So now everyday, I wish for work to call and ask me to come in early or if I can cover a shift because i hate being home. Does that sound bad?

Other then that. Alex is now 18 months old and Logan is 5 months old. It's amazing how big they are getting. Logan at his last apt was 19lbs and 28inches tall. and he's already in 12 month clothes. It's perty crazy.

so I think i'm done ranting and raving.. Well as much that im comfortable with anyways.

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