Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Precious Has Arrived..

And no I am not talking about the baby, well kinda sorta, talking about another baby. The Xbox 360 ITS SOOOOOO PRETTY! It's kinda chilin between the hd reciever and the dvr. how precious. hehehe.. Been playing on it since this afternoon. Poor husband went and stood in line from about 6am this morning till about 8 or so to get a voucher. Unfortunately it was just a core system, but that's all good. We got almost everything we needed except for the hard drive. Which pretty much everyone and their dog is sold out on those right now. I found one website that said it could be 1-2 weeks for delivery for one. Oh well, we got the 64mb card for now that should be sufficient. for now anyways. lol

On another note, as of this week, I am 8 weeks pregnant! YAY! I believe next week we have our 2nd appt and get to hear the baby's heart beat. I can't wait! I am hoping we will get an ultra sound to make sure we aren't having twins or something. LOL that would suck, but be a blessing all the same. lol Ok I think I am done SPEWING information.


Heather said...

Lets see... i remember a young lady swearing she was never ever ever having a baby after watching a video of her godson being born... that could not possibly be the same chelle could it????

Chelle said...

Yup that is the same chelle. hehhe.. 9 weeks and counting. hehe.