Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's finally sunny outside.

A pretty day outside, except for in our parking lot. it's a skating rink where the sun has not hit yet. Oh well. Hopefully everyone had a great thanksgiving, and now we only have 25 shopping days left till Christmas. YIKES! Well I am almost done with my shopping just need to get my hubby and his best friend done and then i'm home free! YAY!

Well next week we have baby apointment number 2. Get to listen to the baby's heart beat for the first time. Don't know if we are going to do an ultra sound yet or not but would be cool to find out or at least make sure we are only have one baby. lol Don't really want twins.

My christmas list is getting bigger and bigger. lol. Am wanting an IDOG It's sweet! You can plug in your ipod or any other musical device to it and start it up and it dances to the music and plays it out. it's awesome.

K. I think I am done for now.. Never know, I may put some more on here later.. TOODLES

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